If McCain’s got the cancer, Obama’s got the bitterness

Title referencing this quote.

As promised, here’s a blog entry about McCain’s health; most of the information came from here. The way I see it, we have nothing major to worry about – being a Bush puppet should kill him long before cancer does.

First off, have you heard about the ad focusing on McCain’s health issues? You can watch the trash here. Unfortunately, it’s not an Obama-endorsed ad, so I won’t be able to rant on the evils of him quite yet (I’m biding my time). Nevertheless, the ad has been taken too seriously by crowds of people who are unable to research issues on their own time. Due to laziness.
After viewing the ad and posting this blog, I sent an email to the website that produced the commercial, inviting them read & respond. We’ll see if they do so.

Bill O’Reilly had to say this about the ad: of all the ads this season, this was “perhaps the most vicious political ad of the campaign.” For once, and this is pretty frightening, Bill & I are in almost total agreement (I still think the sex education ad was complete filth, but this might top it).
The commercial ends with the question, “Why won’t John McCain release his health records?” Here’s your answer: BECAUSE HE HAS.

McCain released back in May over 1,000 pages of medical documents to some reporters, who were given the privilege to look over these records for several hours. True, the reporters were not allowed to make copies, but they were allowed to take notes, and don’t you think they still would have released a news story if they had found anything worth releasing? There isn’t anything new to report; McCain’s last melanoma scare was six years ago.
In fact, the records evidently commend his strong heart and good health. And if that’s not enough, he gets a skin cancer check several times a year. I swear he’s in better health than me.

You know who hasn’t released their medical records? Obama. The best he’s done is release a one-page summary of the past 21 years, which is hardly enough for any in-depth details. I mean, 21 years? In one page? It’s a joke. In fact, it wasn’t even really a page. Would you like to know how many words were in the document, counting the introductory first paragraph? 276.
So let’s see…1,000 pages, which allowed outside sources a look, and a mere 276 words…which one do you think is more credible?

If you’re curious about McCain’s health, I suggest you visit this site, which provided an excellent and detailed synopsis of McCain’s current health issues.
For Obama’s more pitiful synopsis, check it out here.


In other news, I received a phone call from Senator Joe Biden yesterday, complaining that I have yet to mention him. I explained to him that I am uncomfortable doing so, as his name offends me. He responded with a 23 minute rant that was mostly compiled of this: “Now, you listen to me, because this is the truth, I know for a fact that what I’m telling you right now is correct…” and so on and so forth. I told him that if he couldn’t control his loquaciousness, I’d rather him go back to plagiarism. I’m waiting to see if he’s going to take my advice or not.

Published in: on October 1, 2008 at 12:04 pm  Leave a Comment  
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